Met persoonlijke aandacht voor jou

Bij Arbeidsjurist Eindhoven staat de persoon achter de zaak centraal. Met persoonlijke aandacht voor jouw wensen bereiken wij het beste resultaat.

Met persoonlijke aandacht voor jou

Bij Arbeidsjurist Eindhoven staat de persoon achter de zaak centraal. Met persoonlijke aandacht voor jouw wensen bereiken wij het beste resultaat.

Arbeidsjuristen in Eindhoven
Arbeidsadvies Eindhoven

Arbeidsjuridisch advies

Betrouwbare arbeidsjuristen adviseren bedrijven en particulieren over hun rechten en plichten binnen het arbeidsrecht.


Wij adviseren bij ontslag via een vaststellingsovereenkomst. Onze arbeidsjuristen helpen je o.a. bij onderhandelingen.


We offer employment law advice to expats in the Netherlands. Our lawyers have years of experience in assisting expatriates.

Arbeidsjuristen in Eindhoven

Inventarisatie van jouw arbeidsvraagstuk

Samen brengen wij jouw wensen en behoeften in kaart. We bekijken hoe wij kunnen ondersteunen en zullen daarbij aangeven welke investering hiermee gemoeid is.


Aan de slag

Onze arbeidsjuristen gaan direct aan de slag nadat het doel duidelijk is. Alle stappen stemmen we met jou af zodat je op de hoogte blijft van ontwikkelingen.



We hebben een oplossing gerealiseerd. Wij evalueren de zaak en zullen voor jou beschikbaar blijven als er in de toekomst nog vragen zijn.


altijd het beste resultaat

Wij werken snel en staan in nauw contact met onze cliënten. Ook de menselijke kant verliezen wij niet uit het oog. Arbeidsrecht is namelijk mensenwerk. Wij staan bekend om onze betrokkenheid en persoonlijke benadering. Daarbij realiseren wij ons dat de beste oplossing in de ene zaak, niet per definitie de beste oplossing is in de andere zaak. Altijd maatwerk om het beste resultaat te behalen.

Arbeidsjurist Eindhoven

Wat onze cliënten zeggen over ons

Al vele cliënten gingen jou voor. Hieronder een selectie van de recensies die wij hebben gekregen.


Beoordelingen van tevreden cliënten

Gebaseerd op 56 beoordelingen
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13:20 27 Jan 25
Roy is professional, responsible with a clear understanding of what needs to be done and takes the right actions with confidence. I strongly recommend him and the services provided by his team.
Erik van Rooij
12:45 22 Jan 25
The way why Mr. van der Wiel, acts quickly and effectively, I am very pleased with him. If you need a lawyer, I can highly recommend this office. Everything was handled neatly online and by telephone.
Ardys Liu
13:01 05 Nov 24
It's very easy to work with Arbeidsjurist Eindhoven and they provide professional advices with quick response. I would consider them in the future again if I need labour law related legal service in the future.
Sticky Boer
13:31 17 Jul 24
A very good and clear lawyer, helped a lot in my situation.Highly recommended if you are in a complicated situation.
Meet Idnani
14:09 12 Jul 24
I was made redundant from my job last week and contacted Roy via the form on the website. Within a few minutes I received an email from Roy explaining to me the process,after which I sent my documents over. In about an hour I received a call from Roy to discuss the advice on my situation. Roy was extremely helpful in explaining each item point by point, and made me understand the implications of each of them clearly. He provided a lot of information to me and guided me in the right direction. Because this was the first time I've even been in such a situation he made sure he explained to me all the details & legalities involved very very clearly and take the right decision. Though the first advice from the company is free Roy willingfully gave me all the information and adviced me what was best for me even though it meant I would not need to pursue any further legal action, which clearly shows that it is more important for Roy(and team) to provide the right guidance to help us rather than wanting to make some money.With the advice from Roy I was immediately able to make my decision and I am soo soo happy I did that.I would like to honestly thank you Roy for the guidance and help you provided to me and how swiftly you dealt with it. I whole heartedly appreciate your help.For anyone seeking any legal advice (since I used them for job related stuff, I can only speak for that) I will highly recommend them.Thank you again.
Chloe Huang
17:37 02 Jul 24
I had a rough and more than half year long battle with my company due to the ending contract earlier issue from my company.i was panicking and my company was quite mental. A person referred me to this law firm. And Roy helped me through out the whole process with my battle with my former company. And he is always so efficient, you can always expect him to act on it right away and give you instant feedback, even in the late evening. I am so happy now my case is ended finally with the help of Roy’s. Definitely will recommend to others in need! Thank you!
Sara García
14:26 02 Jul 24
Roy´s advice was very helpful.Feedback is efficient, direct and you feel heard throughout the whole process. Would def recommend it.
Green Life
15:25 05 Jun 24
Mr Roy is one of the best employment lawyers in the Netherlands, he will gather all the information, comprehend the situation, and proceed accordingly. He will respond to you politely and keep you updated on everything that is happening. Please follow his instructions, and he will take care of everything. You can trust him at all stages. Everything he is negotiating will come for your review after your confirmation, only then things will proceed, but you need to respond instantly. As an expat and unfamiliar with many things here, he is like a light for us to show the way. He will try his best to sort out things in no time. He is a savior for me.
Bart L
07:44 06 Sep 23
Good and sound advice. Clear communication, it is very pleasant to work with Roy van der Wiel. If you have an employment dispute/question, I would certainly recommend Roy van der Wiel/Employment lawyer Eindhoven.
maud merelle
10:32 05 Aug 23
Roy van der Wiel helped me a lot. All compliments to him for the quick handling, his professionalism and communication. I have experienced everything positively, so I will definitely recommend him to others.
ton van woensel
15:44 31 May 23
All compliments to this law firm and especially mr. van der Wiel. Very good advice in Jip and Janneke language. It is also certainly well thought along to the best solution and very smooth communication. A pleasure to work with.
Mag Bur
12:40 15 May 23
professional help, worth recommending.
Renee van Hooff
21:53 21 Nov 22
Reached out to this agency by phone and was immediately helped by Roy. He looked at my case the same day and provided advice a few hours later which was well explained and in detail. He took the time to listen and share his expertise.
Robert Dembi
08:32 28 Jul 22
I had an excellent experience at Adviesgroep Eindhoven with mr. Roy van der Wiel. Roy was very quick to respond to my requested legal assignment, stayed in constant contact, and within a few days provided me with a comprehensive memo regarding the assignment. Thank you Roy for the quality service!
Barbara Naumienko
04:41 17 Dec 21
Super happy with the support on each step of the process. Being redundant after many years of service was surely a difficult process, but with professional and carrying guidance of Roy, seemed a lot much easier. Strongly recommend!
Karol Blahuszewki
07:59 01 Jun 21
Excellent service, professional and easy to talk to.Once we determined what is expected and what can be done I didn't have to worry about a thing.Special thanks to Roy for his hard work and commitment!

Arbeidsjuridisch advies nodig?

Gratis quick scan

Gratis en vrijblijvend telefonische intake. Elk arbeidsvraagstuk kun je aan ons voorleggen. Voordat we een opdracht in behandeling nemen zullen we beoordelen of dat wij van meerwaarde kunnen zijn.

Vaste prijs

Voor veel opdrachten kunnen we een vast bedrag afspreken. Denk aan het beoordelen van een vaststellingsovereenkomst of arbeidsovereenkomst.


Als de tijdsinvestering vooraf niet bekend is dan verrichten wij de werkzaamheden op uurtarief. Wij kunnen van tevoren een inschatting geven welke investering met de opdracht gemoeid is.

Ontdek recente kennisbankartikelen

Roy van der Wiel - Adviseur en Arbeidsjurist

Let's get in touch.

Leg direct jouw arbeidsrecht vraag voor en krijg hulp!

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