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This is how to write a resignation letter

Ronald - arbeidsjurist
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Do you want to resign yourself? Then submit your resignation in writing through a letter of resignation. You can download an example here.

Example resignation letter

If you wish to resign yourself, you can do so either verbally or in writing. However, it is more practical for both the employer and the employee to do it in writing. After all, this way you have proof of when you submitted the resignation to the employer. Resigning in writing can be done through a letter of resignation. You can download an example of a resignation letter below: 

Example resignation letter

You can send this resignation letter to the employer by regular mail as well as by e-mail. If you submit this letter, please note that you must take into account the statutory notice period. This is one month, unless something else has been agreed upon in the employment contract or collective bargaining agreement. Want to know more about resigning? Read our blog on the consequences of resign yourself.

Advisory on dismissal

If you are about to resign, it is always valuable to seek legal advice on how your employment contract terminate. In fact, if you resign, you are usually not entitled to unemployment benefits and a transition allowance. For advice, contact us, so you always know the consequences of a proposed resignation.

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